Find Suspicious Identities Hiding in Your Beneficiary Population

Find Suspicious Identities Hiding in Your Beneficiary Population

Access expert investigative capabilities and analytical insights.

LexisNexis Special Investigations Unit


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Your government agency’s mission is to provide critical assistance to vulnerable participants in need. You want to ensure that deserving individuals quickly receive the public assistance they deserve while you also work to prevent fraud and abuse. Your agency has fraud and identity solutions to support your efforts, but there’s another valuable resource available to drive greater ROI and enhance those efforts – LexisNexis® Risk Solutions Special Investigations Unit (SIU).

SIU is comprised of former law enforcement, financial service, retail fraud, national security intelligence and military intelligence analysts. These professionals provide real-time investigative and analytical insight based on their specialized and extensive experience, as experts at identifying fraud trends and patterns. They monitor your fraud and identity solutions to ensure your agency is optimizing usage.

Look to SIU as your resource for actionable insights and to consult on best practices and analytical techniques. 


SIU offers next-level support in preventing fraud and identity theft. It has a full complement of advanced investigative tools and technology at its disposal, enabling it to cut across information silos and reduce system-wide vulnerabilities.

Look to SIU to translate complex identity data into actionable insights. Request information related to specific investigations. Have the SIU analyze your data to help prevent attacks, including fraud transactions by individuals and bots. You can also request leads for your investigators to pursue. Have SIU identify potentially fraudulent identities attempting to seek government benefits and stop improper payments. When you have questions related to your beneficiary population, SIU can deliver those answers.

Want to know more? Download our LexisNexis® Risk Solutions Special Investigations Unit brochure or complete the form to speak to a Consultant.


More Resources 

[Brochure] LexisNexis® Special Investigations Unit[Article] Get Actionable Insights into Data Trends for Better Decisioning

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