Secure Good Experiences for Telecommunications

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Secure Telecommunications Experience

Keep Customers Connected With Streamlined, Fraud-Free Experiences

Increase sales conversion and customer loyalty with global identity intelligence and fraud detection solutions. Prevent fake account openings, account takeovers and SIM Swap scams without disrupting the people who rely on your network.
Contact Sales

Recognize good customers, secure existing accounts and prevent account misuse with advanced fraud analytics, robust

identity verification and smart authentication solutions.

Access holistic risk management solutions that have helped telecommunications organizations to achieve up to:

99% trusted
logins enabling a positive and low-friction experience for good customers
Up to 30%
decrease in customer abandonment rates in the sales process due to reduction in authentication friction
Up to 90%
fraud attempts reduction in a three-month period

Approve genuine new customer applications without jeopardizing security.

Prevent false account opening, recognize synthetic and stolen identities and stop account takeover attempts with a holistic approach to new customer risk assessment.

Unmatched digital identity and behavioral intelligence layered with identity and document authentication and seamlessly integrated into your onboarding workflow.

Secure Telecommunication Account Opening
Secure Telecommunication Account Management

Secure customer accounts with a holistic approach to fraud prevention

Block malicious bots and detect SIM swap attempts by analyzing login and detail change interactions against billions of digital identity data points and a deeper understanding of trusted user behavior. 

Safeguard customer identities and enterprise assets in close to real-time with a suite of fast, automated and risk-based authentication tools.

Prevent account manipulation and misuse with cross-industry intelligence

Reduce account closures due to fraud, repel fraudulent network attacks and phishing campaigns, stop equipment mules and no-intention-to-pay fraud and prevent dealer account manipulation with actionable insight from unmatched identity intelligence networks.

Digital Identity Intelligence

Last year telecommunications fraud increased 12%, accounting for nearly $39 billion in losses. Communications Fraud Control Association, 2023.1

Power up your defense at the flick of a switch with one holistic orchestration platform to tackle:

Grow revenue and preserve goodwill

Grow revenue and preserve goodwill

by accepting more good applications and confidently allowing easy access to services for trusted customers.

Improve account transaction and upgrade rates

Improve account transaction and
upgrade rates

and accept more orders from real customers by verifying and approving service upgrades and equipment orders more accurately.

Build long-term consumer relationships

Build long-term consumer relationships

by delivering consistent, secure and convenient experiences over every channel and interaction.

Reduce financial losses due to fraud

Reduce financial losses due to fraud

such as fraudulent account openings, account takeover and manipulation.

Minimize operational downtime and speed up reviews

Minimize operational downtime and speed up reviews

with fraud insight at your fingertips that enables you to continue providing reliable services.

Support compliance with regulations

Support compliance with regulations

for telecommunications services, protecting consumer data and safeguarding from breaches.

Recognized around the world for award-winning technology.

Secure every telecommunications customer interaction
with award-winning solutions

Stop Fraud in Its Tracks With Industry-Leading Data and AI

Detect and prevent fraud while protecting your customers at every touchpoint and channel with digital, physical, and behavioral intelligence in real-time.

Boost Security and Revenue With Robust Authentication

Accelerate transactions to trusted users and optimize efficiency with a risk-based authentication strategy.

Transform Identity Verification With Pinpoint Precision And Speed

Differentiate genuine from high-risk customers quickly, easily, and accurately with automated identity verification solutions.

1 Communications Fraud Control Association, 2023

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