
Seamless Access to Enhanced Tools When You Need Them Most

Accurint® Public Safety Marketplace

Accurint® Public Safety Marketplace


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Accurint® Public Safety Marketplace offers law enforcement a way to seamlessly identify trusted providers of cutting-edge solutions to fit the needs of their agency. 

With single sign-on and application programming interface (API) access to the Marketplace through Accurint® for Law Enforcement and Accurint® Virtual Crime Center, users can purchase various products and tools that have been enhanced by the LexisNexis® data assets and linking technology. This allows users access to fully leverage their detailed law enforcement data with other important modules, saving time during critical investigations.

The Accurint Public Safety Marketplace creates a single, trusted location for law enforcement agencies to purchase various products and tools that have been enhanced by the LexisNexis® data assets and linking technology. 

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Connected Partners

Currently, Accurint Public Safety Marketplace provide single sign-on access, through Accurint Virtual Crime Center, to tools enhanced by the LexisNexis® data assets and linking technology.

The next evolution of the Accurint® investigative solution suite combining the power of identity data and law enforcement data with call detail record analysis.  
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Single sign-on access to OSINT tools are now available to Government and Law Enforcement Customers. 
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Single sign-on access to tools providing image matching capabilities are now available to Government and Law Enforcement Customers. 
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LexisNexis® Risk Solutions now offers the Rohde & Schwarz R&S®TSMA6B Drive Test Scanners for purchase by government and law enforcement agencies. 
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Single Sign-On access to tools providing access to commercial LPR Data for investigations is now available for government and law enforcement customers.
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Connected Integrators

The LexisNexis Risk Solutions Data Application Programming Interface (Data API) allows agencies to directly access a vast repository of private and commercial data in most investigative products. This provides comprehensive data insights without having to access multiple products.

The Chorus Intelligence Suite (CIS) is an end-to-end digital investigation platform that offers advanced data search, analysis, cleansing and evidence enrichment tools. 

Indago is the leading provider of cutting-edge Automated Identity Resolution software as a service, offering the only scalable solution for government clients to identify people from their DNA. 
Kaseware's investigative case management system features robust intelligence tools that your agency can use to transform how investigations are conducted and lead to more accurate, efficient, and insightful outcomes

WhoosterWhooster Data DIVISION, powered by the OWL Intelligence Platform, provides comprehensive investigative data solutions for law enforcement, government agencies, and businesses. Our advanced tools empower clients to uncover the 'Who', 'What', and 'Where', while also revealing non-obvious connections between them. 

Accurint® Virtual Crime Center can replace multiple tools agencies currently use for identity data, data analytics, device geolocation analysis, link analysis, and mapping.  The foundation of the Accurint Public Safety Marketplace, this single interface streamlines tasks by increasing efficiency and productivity.  

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