Optimize your risk management strategies with access to timely lien and civil judgment data.
In 2017 the three Nationwide Credit Reporting Agencies (NCRAs) eliminated most tax liens and civil judgments
from their credit reports.1 While that reporting change may have helped some consumers increase
their credit score, it has added risk for lenders.
The fact remains: Evaluating customers based purely on their tradeline history could
decrease your predictive power and leave you exposed to additional risk.
Higher default risk
Consumers who have a history of
defaulting on debts or legal obligations
are 1.7x more likely to default
on future debts.2
Prevalence of liens and judgments
14.3 million people in the
U.S. have a lien or judgment on file
in the past 7 years.3
Multiple incidences
4.6 million people have more
than one lien or judgment on file
in the past 7 years.3
The absence of liens and judgments data can inhibit the accuracy of your assessment of consumer risk. When you add
that data back, you’re better able to make timely, informed decisions and mitigate financial losses and regulatory risk.
LexisNexis® Risk Solutions is a provider of lien and civil judgment content with technology advancements that
increase its reliability and currency. RiskView™ Liens & Judgments connects valuable public record
and court data to individual consumers and offers actionable details.
Any liens or judgments on file
Attributes such as type
and dollar amount
Details such as dates filed,
amount and case number