
Top 10 Claims Trends 
to Watch in 2018

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Top 10 Claims Trends to Watch in 2018

For the insurance industry, 2017 will be remembered as the landmark year for digital transformation of claims processing within the property and casualty markets. In 2018, we expect to see an acceleration in claims automation as companies build on these technology advances.

There are numerous reasons why 2017 should be considered the kick-off year for digital transformation in insurance claims.

Here are the top 10 claims trends to watch in 2018:

  1. Big Data makes a big splash  
  2. The “touchless claims” vision becomes real
  3.  Photo-based appraisal displaces in-person auto appraising
  4. Drones will be the new “insurance inspector”
  5. Interactive features will strengthen relationships with customers
  6. Chatbots will become sociable
  7. Claims apps becomes integral to the claims processing digital transformation 
  8. Telematics enters its next phase
  9. Accessing police records becomes easier and more accurate than ever
  10. AI transforms the customer experience

Regardless of where carriers are positioned on the continuum of the evolution of automated claims processing, the industry is moving toward increasing automated claims handling processes driven by technology-enabled solutions that yield benefits for both carriers and customers.

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