
Life Insurance Carriers Optimize the Customer Experience

The Customer Journey is Important – LexisNexis® InstantID and LexisNexis® Life Data Prefill Can Help Smooth the Process

LexisNexis® Risk Solutions helped life insurance carriers improve the application experience and hit rates for downstream underwriting requirements.

The life insurance application process can be lengthy and arduous for all involved: the applicant, the agent, and the insurer. Missing and incorrect data can wreak havoc on the process, wasting valuable time and resources. Yet solutions are available that can help significantly improve the application process by verifying applicant identities and populating essential fields for the carrier. In this case study, we share how we helped life insurers improve their process, optimize the overall customer experience and verify data at initial inquiry.

This helped those insurers to:

  • Leverage proprietary identity verification and linking technology
  • Correct mis-keying and data discrepancies
  • Prefill and populate certain required application fields
  • Streamline the application process and improve the customer experience all while protecting sensitive consumer data

Download this case study now to learn more about the benefits LexisNexis® InstantID® and LexisNexis® Life Data Prefill bring to the life insurance application process.

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