The Co-Operative Insurance: A Telematics Success Video

by Jane Doe Smith, Data Analyst Specialist, LexisNexis
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Paul Stacy, telematics research and development director from LexisNexis® Risk Solutions, and Steve Kerrigan, telematics product manager from The Co-operative Group, discuss telematics solutions from LexisNexis. How do they shape the success of The Co-operative Insurance’s Young Drivers program? What impacts have these solutions made on The Co-operative Insurance's business?

Through The Co-operative Insurance telematics success video, you'll learn how The Co-operative Insurance was able to launch an innovative and market-leading campaign and penetrate an underserved audience segment while changing young driver behavior for the better. As the Co-operative Insurance Telematics video explains, The Co-operative Insurance effectively rates the safety of young drivers using telematics solutions from LexisNexis, driving continuous business improvements.

"We couldn’t have launched such an innovative and market-leading product without LexisNexis. We have implemented many rating enhancements following our learning from UBI (user-based insurance). We have also introduced online driver behavior training based on young driver scoring factors, including speed, acceleration, braking and cornering. We have seen high customer usage of the online driver portal, with 84% of customers accessing the portal every month." (Watch video for more...)

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