2016 Usage-Based Insurance (UBI) Research Results for the U.S. Consumer Market

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Did you know half of U.S. drivers (50 percent) report enrolling in pay-as-you-drive policies when offered, yet few people are given the choice? The 2016 LexisNexis® Usage-Based Insurance Study on consumer sentiment towards telematics-powered insurance found that just one in five consumers say they are given an opportunity to purchase a UBI policy by their insurer. This represents an opportunity for insurers to grow. Since 2010, LexisNexis Risk Solutions has investigated consumer attitudes toward usage-based insurance (UBI) and how best to drive adoption. Key findings from this year's study include:

  • UBI awareness has increased by 10 percent since 2015
  • Other approaches such as discounting deductibles may be as successful as discounting premiums
  • Increased interest from consumers between the ages of 45 and 64 may offer carriers a new target market for UBI offerings
  • Word of mouth, social media marketing and customer testimonials may be needed to increase UBI adoption