Banko® Events Monitoring


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Accelerate bankruptcy case management with automated updates of key events

An effective recovery strategy means staying ahead of the dynamic, and often disparate, events throughout a bankruptcy case. Banko® Events Monitoring delivers automated updates of key events to provide visibility across the lifecycle of a bankruptcy, help speed recoveries and contain costs.


Banko® Events Monitoring accesses millions of bankruptcy records and combines that information with LexisNexis® advanced data matching and linking technology to deliver automatic alerts on over 600 unique bankruptcy related events. Improve efficiency and minimize costs with a full bankruptcy workflow solution that provides maximum event visibility and real-time access direct from the courts:
  • Dockets
  • Documents
  • Creditor's Matrix
  • Claims Register
Banko® Events Monitoring is fully integrated with Banko® Batch Processing to simplify workflow integration. Events notifications can be customized to meet specific business needs and help you track important developments, including:
  • Motion to Redeem
  • Motion to Deem Current
  • Notice of Final Cure Payment
  • Reaffirmation Agreements
  • Adversary Proceedings
  • Plan Related Events
  • Asset Notifications


Maximize cost efficiency with Banko® Events Monitoring

Speed successful recoveries and reduce loss exposure by letting Banko® Events Monitoring manage your Bankruptcy workflow for you. Review only the dockets that you need to see and be notified when it's time to review documents. Do all of this within and reduce the need to access multiple web sites. Leverage Banko® Events Monitoring to retrieve and save critical documents while reducing costs associated with multiple reviews of the same documents.
  • The LexisNexis Docket is free for the life of the bankruptcy - Access and read the entire re-created bankruptcy docket. Review the docket on the case as many times as you need to, at no cost.
  • Link to and store key documents - Stop paying each time you need to access the same documents. Link to and save key documents to use again and again; or have us store it for you. We track who pulls a document and provide the same document to anyone in your company at no additional charge.
  • Link to Creditor's Matrix and Claims Register – Leverage a direct link to the court's web site. We also store the most recently pulled Creditor's Matrixes and Claims Registers for reduced cost in subsequent pulls.
Count on faster revenues

Successful bankruptcy case management begins with maximum visibility to help minimize the risks of overlooked recovery opportunities. Banko® Events Monitoring is a robust bankruptcy management solution that accelerates and simplifies events monitoring to drive faster revenue realization.
Get it now: For more information about Banko® Events Monitoring, call 1-800-953-2877.

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Banko® Events Monitoring

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Banko® is a consumer reporting agency product provided by LexisNexis Risk Solutions and is fully compliant with the Fair Credit Reporting Act, 15 U.S.C. 1681, et seq.
Due to the nature of the origin of public record information, the public records and commercially available data sources used in reports may contain errors. Source data is sometimes reported or entered inaccurately, processed poorly or incorrectly, and is generally not free from defect. This product or service aggregates and reports data, as provided by the public records and commercially available data sources, and is not the source of the data, nor is it a comprehensive compilation of the data. Before relying on any data, it should be independently verified.