Increase the Precision of Your Competitive Intelligence Analysis

LexisNexis® InsurQuote® Replicated Credit helps carriers reduce the “noise” from incomplete or inaccurate credit information that creeps into analyses or predictive models.
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InsurQuote® Replicated Credit for Competitive Intelligence

LexisNexis® InsurQuote® Replicated Credit helps insurance carriers increase the precision of their competitive intelligence analysis.

LexisNexis® InsurQuote® Replicated Credit is one of the most sophisticated approaches to handling credit for competitive intelligence analysis, yielding high precision results that better represent the market-rate levels.

Archived credit reports are ordered on consumers and scored for the models in the replicated credit library developed from public Department of Insurance (DOI) filings. The resulting replicated credit scores are applied at a driver or consumer level, depersonalized, and merged with risk characteristics to yield a comprehensive policy set that is delivered to the carrier in a format ready for use in InsurQuote®.

Leverage an Extensive Library of Replicated Credit Models
  • More than 40 models are available, including the LexisNexis® Attract™ suite of models
  • Models are available for auto, home or both
Increase the precision of competitive comparisons
  • Replicated credit models more accurately mimic the market for win rates and average premiums in smaller segment analyses
  • Using replicated credit scores can help carriers reduce the “noise” from incomplete or inaccurate credit information that creeps into analyses or predictive models, which can lead to more accurate competitive analysis
Options for Using Replicated Credit
Use with in-house data
  • Archived credit is ordered on drivers or consumers using in-force policies or quote data for auto, home or both
  • Scores are assigned for the replicated models you select
  • A depersonalized file in InsurQuote rate-able format is delivered
Use with LexisNexis® InsurQuote® Market Baskets
  • Credit scores are assigned to policies based on replicated models and depersonalized archived credit information
  • Scores accessible and used by company quote modules
  • Delivered quarterly as part of the InsurQuote Market Basket data
The InsurQuote services are not provided by “consumer reporting agencies,” as that term is defined in the Fair Credit Reporting Act (15 U.S.C. § 1681, et seq.) (“FCRA”) and do not constitute “consumer reports,” as that term is defined in the FCRA. Accordingly, the InsurQuote service may not be used in whole or in part as a factor in determining eligibility for credit, insurance, employment or another purpose in connection with which a consumer report may be used under the FCRA. Due to the nature of the origin of public record information, the public records and commercially available data sources used in reports may contain errors. Source data is sometimes reported or entered inaccurately, processed poorly or incorrectly, and is generally not free from defect. This product or service aggregates and reports data, as provided by the public records and commercially available data sources, and is not the source of the data, nor is it a comprehensive compilation of the data. Before relying on any data, it should be independently verified.

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