Mitigate collusion attempts with magnified relationship perspective
Relationship Identifier creates an easy and affordable way to quickly understand the relationships between 2-8 input entities to protect your business from costly, coordinated fraud schemes. With this tool you can easily identify relationships between 2-8 entities to help your business:
A succinct report delivers the details on whether entities are interconnected and illustrates how entities are related to enable your business to test for undisclosed relationships and better recognize fraud attempts on the front-end of a transaction, before they impact your portfolio with costly losses.
With stronger insight into the relationships between entities involved in a transaction, you get expanded intelligence to help prevent some of the most common types of origination fraud, including:
Relationship Identifier helps you test for potential non-arm’s length transactions and other coordinated fraud schemes as well as identify potentially fraudulent loans within your existing portfolio.
Uncover critical associations between the individuals and/or businesses behind a transaction and improve the overall performance of your portfolio with intelligent insight from Relationship Identifier.