Analysis of State DMV Identities Reveals Vulnerabilities

by Jane Doe Smith, Data Analyst Specialist, LexisNexis

Population Risk Analysis of a State’s Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Identities Reveals Multiple Vulnerabilities

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In a 2023 review of one state’s DMV data, the LexisNexis® Risk Solutions Special Investigations Unit (SIU) identified several areas of risk that many DMVs are likely to encounter.

The team identified numerous deceased, incarcerated, duplicate, stolen, and synthetic identities. Noteworthy was the team’s ability to identify indications of an insider threat at this particular DMV.

This situation remains problematic as driver’s licenses are typically used to obtain other government documents, as well as to purchase property, obtain credit, or file for other government benefits. 

The SIU team conducted a population risk assessment examining more than two million state DMV records for the agency. They investigated the following populations and found significant findings:

Duplicate Identities
Stolen and Synthetic Identities
Insider Threat

Download the article to learn how the SIU can perform a population risk analysis on identity data for your agency.


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