Uncover Hidden Business Risks with LexisNexis® Risk Solutions

Identify non-obvious relationships within your business network.
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Risk can be hidden behind a business owner’s prior actions and network. An agency may suspend or prohibit a business in a state or program, only to have the owner reopen under a new entity or leverage their relatives and associates to continue any improprieties they were conducting. Our LexisNexis® Risk Solutions Special Investigations Unit (SIU) can help.

Utilizing available tools, data, and over 150 years of combined investigative experience, the SIU conducts research and analysis to help prevent fraud and identify hidden relationships between people and businesses.


This research assistance helps agencies identify the highest risk entities in their systems, while providing results in an easy-to-use format that law enforcement and intelligence agencies have been using for decades.


Why Business Risk Assessment with LexisNexis® Risk Solutions?


Business risk assessment is a key part of our risk management strategy. LexisNexis® Risk Solutions provides deep intelligence on non-obvious associations and related people risks that help government agencies identify and reduce financial, reputational, and operational risks posed by business relationships. Our continuous data updates and automated monitoring help ensure actionable risk insight across the business lifecycle.


Discover how our solutions can help your agency uncover hidden risks and improve your business network's integrity. Download our tip sheet today.

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