Counter-Terrorist Financing


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The IMF and World Bank estimate that between 3-5% of the global GDP is subject to money laundering each year. Many laundered funds end up in the hands of terrorist organizations and used to finance criminal activities that threaten the safety and security of citizens and economies around the globe. How can your organization play a role in fighting this growing threat?
This infographic, “Combating the Financing of Terrorism”, provides an in-depth look at the inner workings of terrorist financing and examines how a fortified Know Your Customer (KYC) strategy can play a role in uncovering terrorist financing. The infographic provides detailed information on:
  • Ways in which terrorist funds are used
  • The payment systems that terrorists are frequently exploiting
  • The estimated total cost of terrorist financing on the economy
  • Explore the threats of terrorist financing to the global economy and learn how a comprehensive KYC strategy can help identify terrorist financing attempts before they threaten your business reputation.

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