Executive Insights: Patient Matching, Identity Access Management, and Interoperability

Accurate patient data matching has been a long-time problem in the healthcare industry. The promotion of interoperability exacerbates that problem by creating duplicate and mismatched records if organizations do not have the ability to see through sparse data.

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Interoperability and the digital patient record movement are forcing change throughout the industry. While access to patient data has improved, data hygiene continues to challenge many healthcare organizations.

eHI Patient Matching

Interoperability in healthcare is the ability of two or more systems to exchange healthcare information using healthcare information technology. Healthcare IT companies are instrumental in facilitating the exchange, but the exchange is initiated by healthcare organizations. Implementing the functionality requires the use of application programming interfaces (APIs) to facilitate data movement and access.

The move toward digitization in healthcare has led to the proliferation of health data. Although organizations now have access to better data on their patients, it is imperative they keep the data within patient records complete, accurate, and up to date to protect their patients while also ensuring that their records are properly linked.

Accurate data matching has been a long-time problem in the healthcare industry. The promotion of interoperability exacerbates that problem by creating duplicate and mismatched records if organizations do not have the ability to see through sparse data.

This report is based on an executive roundtable from Executives for Health Innovation (EHI) and the health care business of LexisNexis® Risk Solutions, where experts discussed and shared insights on how their organizations plan on complying with evolving interoperability regulations, while addressing the impacts that it will have on their ability to balance customer experience and data security.

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