Driving Score

Score and rate consistently from multiple sources

With Driving Score you can consistently rate drivers across a wide variety of vehicles, applications and hardware. Leveraging our Global Telematics Platform, built to accommodate large and complex data sets, we can filter, normalize and contextualize driving data to create a set of attributes that provides an enhanced picture of driver risk and a consistent, ratable score for in-life policy management and delivery at point-of-quote.

Driving Score uses the industry-leading LexisNexis® Attract scoring methodology configured for precision, local market conditions and local regulatory compliance.  We have you covered, no matter your source of driving data – whether you are using smartphones, in-vehicle hardwired devices, hybrid plug-and-play services such as OBD hardware, plug-in, connected car or self-powered devices.


  • Enables big data analytics-powered risk prediction at lower-cost and higher-scale
  • Provides insights for customer segmentation and loss prediction
  • Continually adds new data sources to protect insurer investment in UBI programs
  • Delivers a single and uniform score for multi-type policies from multiple data sources


  • Scores and analyzes on any live UBI program
  • Filters, normalizes and contextualizes driver data for a complete 360-degree of driver risk
  • Calculates and validates vehicle speed with dynamic road-speed datasets
  • Supports configurable scoring attributes and model weightings to tailor scores for individual insurer needs

More Telematics Solutions

Smartphone UBI ApplicationsTelematics Software Development Kit (SDK)


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