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Get Ready for Marketing Data Evolution

Learn more about integrating first- and third-party insights to fill gaps in consumer data.
Download the Ebook
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Get Ready for Marketing Data Evolution

Learn more about integrating first- and third-party insights to fill gaps in consumer data.
Download the Ebook

Marketing Data Strategies


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Eliminating Cookies Will Require a Major Shift

Today’s regulatory environment means marketers will need to adjust to the removal of third-party cookies. 

  • 75% of advertisers rely heavily on third-party cookies
  • 45% are spending at least half of their marketing budgets on cookie-based activations
  • 39% reported a lack of preparedness for a cookieless future

Enter (Again) Customer Segmentation

Once more, audience demographics return to the forefront of marketing strategies, this time in the form of robust consumer profiles informed by advanced data analytics.

In our Marketing Data Management Strategies Ebook, you’ll learn how we can help you turn uncertainty into opportunity, with the help of advanced data analytics.

Turn Uncertainty into Opportunity 3-4 Highlight Card

How Is This Possible?

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Up-to-Date Data
22% of consumer data becomes outdated every year, costing companies $12.9 million annually.


Fill the Gaps
By taking voluntary first-party data and combining it with terrestrial third-party data, we can help you build robust consumer profiles

The future of consumer data analysis is now, which means high quality data has never been more important.

Searching for a way to navigate today’s regulatory uncertainty while delivering personalized marketing experiences?

Download the Ebook
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Target customers
more accurately
with data analytics

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about marketing data strategies.

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