Business People Link


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Uncover Promising SMB Prospects
From Your Existing Customer Portfolios

Optimize marketing efforts and increase campaign ROI with a clearer view of consumer-to-business relationships.
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Link consumers to their small businesses

Business People Link leverages vast data coverage and advanced analytics
to identify connections between consumers and businesses. Augment traditional marketing strategies
by leveraging powerful alternative data.

Business People Link also allows you to identify customers who have incremental risk connected to their
small business — empowering you with a more accurate view of the risk in your portfolio.

Small businesses account for 99.9% of all businesses in the U.S.

and represent a valuable untapped market eager for credit.

Small business owners often have unmet financial needs — representing a huge
opportunity. However, targeting the right businesses can be a challenge.

Many financial institutions already have customers who own or have close ties to small
businesses. By linking consumers in their portfolio to small businesses, lenders can:

New market opportunities

Capitalize on new
market opportunities

Increase campaign ROI

Increase campaign ROI

Manage risk

Manage risk

Our tests for leading FIs found 10% to 31% of their portfolios had
consumer-to-business associations.

Leverage robust insights into customer-business relationships to:

Fresh prospects

Define a strong base
of fresh prospects

Uncover new opportunities
by connecting customers
with associated businesses.

Customer retention

Improve customer
acquisition and retention

Expand your addressable
market and retain more
existing customers.
Maximize ROI

Tighten marketing
outreach to maximize ROI

Tap the customers in your
portfolio to identify and reach your
best SMB prospects.
Business related risk

Reduce exposure to
consumers who have
business related risk

Manage risk from top of the funnel with granular views of consumer-to-business connections.

LexisNexis ® Risk Solutions provides a rich, detailed view of small
businesses by delivering predictive insights lenders might not see
with traditional data insights alone.

Public records data

Vast referential
public records data

Utilize over 500 next-generation data
elements drawn from our proven data sources
Seamless data integration

Seamless integration of
consumer and business data

Gain robust data insights into consumer and
business connections with exceptional accuracy
Seamless data integration

Proven linking
technology and analytics

Ensure data is precisely connected and
resolved into accurate business entities

Featured Content

Gain a clearer view of consumer to business relationships

Learn how Business People Link can help you leverage the customer base you have to identify and target the SMB customers you want.

Improve marketing outreach with unique SMB insights

Learn how you can optimize SMB prospect lists with granular views of consumer-business relationships.
The Business People Link, Business Append and Filter and Profile Booster services are not provided by “consumer reporting agencies,” as that term is defined in the Fair Credit Reporting Act, 15U.S.C. § 1681, et seq. (“FCRA”) and do not constitute “consumer reports,” as that term is defined in the FCRA. Accordingly, Business People Link, Business Append and Filter and Profile Booster services may not be used in whole or in part as a factor in determining eligibility for consumer credit, insurance, employment or another purpose in connection with which a consumer report may be used under the FCRA. Due to the nature and origin of public record information, the public records and commercially available data sources used in reports may contain errors.

Draw on your existing customer portfolio to uncover new SMB prospects.
Contact us to learn more.

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