What is Virtual Claims Handling

by Jane Doe Smith, Data Analyst Specialist, LexisNexis

What is Virtual Claims Handling?

With virtual claims handling, a smartphone and an app can shave days off claims processing time.
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What is Virtual Claims Handling?

With virtual claims handling, a smartphone and an app can shave days off claims processing time.

Less complicated accidents not involving bodily injury shouldn’t take a lot of time and people power to process. With virtual claims processing, a smartphone and an app can shave days off claims processing time, accelerate repairs, keep customers happy and free adjusters to focus on more complex claims.

How Does Virtual Claims Handling Work?
When an accident results in physical damage only, a customer can simply snap a few photos of the damage on their phone and send them to the insurance appraiser through the company’s app. The appraiser then views the photos and makes an estimate based on what the photos show, returns the appraisal to the customer, and the customer proceeds with booking an appointment to get the repair done. This all takes place in a matter of just a few hours―no in-person estimating required.

In this video, William Brower, Vice President, Auto Claims for LexisNexis Risk Solutions, defines virtual claims and explains how virtual claims handling brings together people and technology to process claims in a more streamlined and expedient way that goes beyond manually-driven traditional claims processing but stops short of touchless claims.

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