Doximity Better Quantifies Value for Hospital Clients With MarketView™ Data to Show Referral Networks

Access to de-identified claims data empowers digital platform for U.S. medical professionals to demonstrate increase in referral networks for hospital clients

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"We sought a claims partner with downstream, in-house data who could view the positive impact of a better-connected physician community and help us demonstrate the potential of our programs.” – John Schoenleber, Director of Product Management, Doximity

Doximity, the leading digital platform for U.S. medical professionals, had launched a product helping physicians and health systems build and nurture professional referral relationships. A more interconnected community of regional physicians could better direct patients to expert care best suited to their needs.

The company wanted to empower its hospital partners with measurable return on investment (ROI) information on the effectiveness of these programs and their strengthened physician-to-physician networks. Doximity sought to do this by identifying the referring network prior to the marketing program, then comparing this to the referral network following the program. To achieve this, Doximity sought comprehensive and near-real time medical claims data.

goals  Doximity’s Goals
  • Gain visibility into medical claims data to create referral analysis
  • Develop a robust ROI model for clients to share the before and after impact of implementing the Doximity platform
  • Gain scalable and flexible near real-time access to medical claims data
star  Key Benefits Experienced
  • Ability to access data on demand to produce ROI reports as needed across client base
  • Increased client retention and NPS scores
  • Created a value-added service for current and future clients



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strategic planning in healthcare
Case Study

Strategic Planning in Healthcare

White Paper

MarketView Reimbursement Insights


Sphere of Influence: Physician Referral Patterns

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