
LexisNexis® MarketView™

Powerful medical-claims based insights.

LexisNexis® MarketView™

LexisNexis® MarketView™ delivers medical claims-based intelligence to life sciences, providers, pharmacies, healthcare IT and payer organizations across the United States. MarketView™ delivers actionable intelligence to remain competitive and support innovative business strategies to better serve their patients, their providers and their communities.


MarketView can help transform key business work streams including marketing, sales, strategic planning, physician relations and outreach, market research, network optimization, recruitment, pricing, contracting, clinical teams and more. Your business needs the most actionable insights to remain competitive. But it’s hard to diagnose the right areas of focus when the picture is unclear.


MarketView brings together insights and intelligence across the patient experience fueled by de-identified medical claims. Using the graphic below, you can begin to understand the process by which data is gathered and reported. 


MarketView provider and facility intelligence
By combining the industry's leading provider referential database, claims data and proprietary analytics, along with a visualization tool, MarketView delivers insights into areas including referral patterns, physician alignment strategies, the quality of clinically integrated networks, patient volumes, and reimbursement insights. As a result, customers are able to focus on outreach efforts on high-value targets, recognize physician splitting across facilities, and grow service lines and market share.

MarketView leverages more than one billion provider claims — and like an X-ray for these robust datasets, it reveals key details through dynamic dashboards. See global summary-level details through dashboards to examine the anatomy of your target market. And drill into detailed scorecard views of key organizations and practitioners, featuring our comprehensive decile ranking system.

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Benefits to Health Systems:

Data-Driven Insights for Strategic Planning & Outreach
Through MarketView analytics, your health system can easily identify high-impact practitioners, quantify patient and procedural volumes by clinical service line and care setting (including out-patient and post-acute) to optimize planning and outreach efforts and see where you are losing referral volumes. Analytics derived from MarketView can aid in service line strategy and growth, and provide insights into high volume practitioners.

Gain Competitive Intelligence
Understand the loyalties of upstream physicians that can influence referrals to your system or your competitors. Analysis of physician outpatient data and referral patterns provide a clearer picture to give your organization the edge.

Reimbursement Insights
MarketView insights into reimbursements gives line of sight into remitted claims data for use in payer negotiations, competitive assessment and market expansion. Now you can have a panoramic view of the complete landscape.

Improve Physician Alignment
Use MarketView to identify how physicians are splitting time between facilities areas and target high volume physicians that can help keep those patients and referrals within your network.

Physician Patient Volumes

Facilities Used

Procedures Performed

Referral Relationships

Benefits to Life Sciences Organizations:

Provider Referral Network Analysis
MarketView enables you to see a specific practitioner, their total patient volume, the facilities where he spends their time, the activity associated, and the physicians in their network. This gives you the ability to understand referral behavior, measure a provider’s connections and influence, and identify opinion leaders.

Focus Sales and Marketing Efforts
Through advanced analytics, your business can improve segmentation to reach the right doctor at the right time. Data-driven insights can help your sales reps educate and influence physicians, optimize marketing, and respond to market dynamics.

Provider Reimbursement Insights
Take the guesswork out of rate management and contract negotiations with reliable, meaningful pricing data based on actual reimbursed medical claims data. With a better understanding of your market, you can find opportunities to reduce costs and boost your bottom line.


Understand Provider
Referral Networks

Focus Sales and
Marketing Efforts

Improve Rate Management
and Contract Negotiations

Benefits to Health Plans:

Increase the Efficiency and Adequacy of Your Provider Network
Gain insight into patient and procedure volumes with claims-based intelligence about the practitioners and facilities that are providing and influencing care in markets relevant to your networks.

Maximize Provider Contracting
MarketView identifies physicians and practices for recruitment, acquisition and clinical integration based upon the type of patients treated, procedures performed, referral habits and demographics.

Improve Access to Care

Improve the level of quality and member satisfaction around provider directories by offering more insight into provider’s level of experience across various procedures and diagnosis categories.

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Optimizing Marketplace Insights with Medical Claims Data

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Claims Data Improves Life Sciences Success


Sphere of Influence: Physician Referral Patterns

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LexisNexis® MarketView does not constitute a “consumer report” as that term is defined in the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act, 15 USC 1681 et seq.(FCRA). Accordingly, LexisNexis MarketView may not be used in whole or in part as a factor in determining eligibility for credit, insurance, employment or another permissible purpose under the FCRA. Due to the nature of the origin of public record information, the public records and commercially available data sources used in reports may contain errors. Source data is sometimes reported or entered inaccurately, processed poorly or incorrectly, and is generally not free from defect. This product or service aggregates and reports data, as provided by the public records and commercially available data sources, and is not the source of the data, nor is it a comprehensive compilation of the data. Before relying on any data, it should be
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