Agencies increasingly strive to provide a digital-first, seamless experience for all parties — from study enrollees, to permit applicants, to partners needing system access. But there’s more to it than user convenience. There’s a compliance objective as well: most notably the Patient Access Rule which mandates that patients should be able to easily access data about their clinical information and care encounters. All of these requirements add new layers of complexity — particularly given the diverse array of devices and platforms used to access data systems.
It’s really a job for an intelligent digital solution that performs front-end identity verification seamlessly, in real time, and imperceptibly to the user. Some key features of our identify verification solution:
Gain a more complete view of individuals and businesses in your agency by linking together records.
Locate and identify people, businesses and assets
AmplifyID leverages more than 45 years of identity intelligence expertise and insight to preserve program integrity, provide equitable access and prevent fraud across Federal, state and local government.
Ensure equitable access and smooth service delivery with a precise, whole-person view
Verify IDs and professional credentials instantly
Authenticate members and providers
Authenticate customer identities in real-time