Discover the True Cost of Fraud for SNAP Agencies eBook

Download our eBook to get a snapshot of the true cost of fraud within your agency

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How Much is Fraud Costing SNAP Agencies?

Do you really know the financial impact of fraud on your agency? How much is fraud affecting not only your agency, but the people who rely on your critical services?

LexisNexis® Risk Solutions conducted a research study to dig into just that.

The LexisNexis Risk Solutions True Cost of Fraud™ study for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) agencies serves as a model framework by informing the level and impact of fraud on SNAP agencies, including the challenges, volume, and cost, as well as the resources that agencies utilize to detect and prevent fraud.

In our eBook, you’ll learn key findings from the study showing what the real cost of fraud is to your SNAP agency.  You’ll also gain recommendations and insights into solutions — the opportunities that exist to integrate fraud solutions with operations…seamlessly. 

Stop fraud before it starts.

If you’re going to prevent fraud, stop improper payments, strengthen the integrity of your programs, and maintain public trust, you must defend against identity-based threats. That defense requires a complete, accurate picture of identity information – one that encompasses data sharing, analytics, and visualization. What makes our fraud and identity solutions so effective is the clarity they bring to assessing the level of risk associated with each identity.

Change the conversation on fraud.

Get the support you need today. Find out how LexisNexis® Risk Solutions can help.


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Social Services ProgramAccess Study: True Cost of Fraud Study for SNAP LexisNexis® AmplifyID™ Identity Risk Navigator
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