AmplifyIDTM Program Participation Analyzer

AmplifyID™ Program
Participation Analyzer

Help ensure eligible citizens receive human services program benefits that they deserve
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LexisNexis® AmplifyID™ Program Participation Analyzer

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Stop dual program participation in public assistance programs

Maintain Health and Human Services program integrity

LexisNexis® AmplifyIDTM Program Participation Analyzer

Health and Human Services (HHS) programs provide critical help to our nation’s most vulnerable citizens. The integrity of these programs must be maintained to ensure that funding is available to those who need it most. 

Although no precise measure of HHS program fraud exists, dual participation alone leads to hundreds of millions of improper payments annually when aggregated across all public assistance programs. 

One of the most common types of fraud is dual participation, when individuals are enrolled in multiple programs simultaneously. Sometimes duplicate enrollment in public benefit programs is unintentional. For example, a family that relocates to another state may apply for new HHS programs without notifying agencies in the previous state. Other times dual participation may be deliberate double-dipping, such as parents who live in different states and both receive assistance for their children. 

Current Fraud Strategies Aren’t Enough

Although processes may already be in place to do simple Social Security number (SSN) matching on a quarterly basis, that isn’t enough to protect the integrity of HHS programs. By the time dual participation is detected, the beneficiary has been put into the system and improper funds may have already been distributed. Unfortunately, the pay-and-chase approach is not an effective strategy. 

What’s needed is a solution that can accurately analyze program data in near real-time from across the country to proactively identify the likelihood that an applicant is already participating elsewhere.

Stop Fraud Before It Starts

LexisNexis® AmplifyIDTM Program Participation Analyzer is a front-end, near real-time, automated solution that reduces and eliminates improper payments. It allows agencies to detect dual participation and out-of-state cross-program participation before a payment is ever issued. And it has the unique ability to resolve identities and link data that lack common identifiers such as names, addresses, SSNs and more.

AmplifyIDTM Program Participation Analyzer immediately identifies dual participation that might otherwise go unnoticed or likely wouldn’t be identified until much later in the process, thus reducing the costs associated with investigation and recovery activities. 

Next Level Identity Matching

AmplifyIDTM Program Participation Analyzer uses advanced identity resolution to empower states to make confident decisions as identity matches occur. It assesses multiple components of an identity, looking at both current and historical information within the LexisNexis® repository, to make a determination on the likelihood of a match. 

Compare this approach with a strict SSN-only matching, which neglects a wealth of intelligence that comes from evaluating the other identity components. SSN-only matches are proven to be poor indicators of dual participation. And states using them need to conduct further investigation into any matches, as they may represent data discrepancies or data input errors as opposed to fraud.


States using AmplifyIDTM Program Participation Analyzer can:

  • Stop dual participation during and after program enrollment
  • Prevent improper payments, potentially saving HHS program millions of dollars each year
  • Recognize fraud on the front end, thereby reducing costs for investigation and recovery
  • Reduce false positives
  • Enable more confident decisioning when determining program eligibility
  • Uncover potential program coverage gaps whereby someone participating in one program may be eligible for participation in another


AmplifyIDTM Program Participation Analyzer:

  • Taps into deep identity attributes from multiple, continually updated referential sources
  • Resolves identities and links data that lacks common identifiers such as Names, Addresses and SSNs
  • Connects the dots between disparate records to match them to one individual
  • Shares information between geographically-separated states to identify dual program participation
  • Assesses multiple components of an identity, looking at current and historical information
  • Continually enriches intelligence as states and programs add input
  • Incorporates the latest industry standards for information security and privacy

Want to know more? Request additional information on AmplifyIDTM Program Participation Analyzer.


LexisNexis® AmplifyID™ Program Participation Analyzer is a cornerstone of our upgraded investigative and analytics identity-centric platform, enhancing upon the National Accuracy Clearinghouse (NAC).
The Program Participation Analyzer module stands as a contributory solution designed to assist states in identifying and preventing dual participation across their health and human services programs.


More Information

Brochure: LexisNexis® AmplifyID™ Program Participation AnalyzerCase Study: A Multi-state Study Shows Potential for Huge Immediate Savings in Health and Human Services Programs Using a Unique, Data-driven Approach

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AmplifyID™ Program Participation Analyzer services referred to herein are not provided by “consumer reporting agencies,” as that term is defined in the Fair Credit Reporting Act (15 U.S.C. § 1681, et seq.) (“FCRA”) and does not constitute “consumer reports,” as that term is defined in the FCRA. Due to the nature of the origin of public record information, the public records and commercially available data sources used in reports may contain errors. Source data is sometimes reported or entered inaccurately, processed poorly or incorrectly, and is generally not free from defect. This product or service aggregates and reports data, as provided by the public records and commercially available data sources, and is not the source of the data, nor is it a comprehensive compilation of the data. Before relying on any data, it should be independently verified. LexisNexis and the Knowledge Burst logo are registered trademarks of RELX Inc. Other products or services may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Copyright © 2022 LexisNexis.

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