A Western State Medicaid Program Leveraged Real-world Data to Accurately Identify At-risk Individuals

Download our case study to discover how  we helped identify people experiencing homelessness and get the critical services they needed.
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  4. Homelessness is a Public Health Issue

Homelessness is a critical and growing public health issue.

Those experiencing homelessness face higher rates of infectious disease, substance abuse, behavioral health conditions and premature death.

Millions of dollars have been invested in homelessness initiatives and supportive housing programs nationwide. However, public health, Medicaid and homelessness leaders continue to face challenges
in the prevention and early identification of people experiencing housing instability.

Addressing homelessness requires a data-driven approach to identify this high-needs population — prior to crisis settings whenever possible — and connect them to care coordination and supportive housing initiatives.

Learn how one state Medicaid program recognized the need for additional data sets to provide a consistent and longitudinal view of individuals’ social risks — and partnered with LexisNexis® Risk Solutions to incorporate critical Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) data.

Download our case study today!

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