Identity theft is the fastest growing crime in America. To protect government programs against identity-theft related fraud by assessing the risk of an identity, you have to understand the identity risk outside of government data. Identities can be bought online for as little as 9 cents - Name, Social Security Number, Date of Birth, and Driver’s License included. Trying to protect identities will not stop the exploding epidemic of identity fraud perpetrated against the government, particularly in tax evasion and tax fraud. The raw identity material is a mouse click away. That is the only safe assumption given the vast amount of personal data available online.
There are three critically important things LexisNexis has learned that can help government stop the current epidemic of identity fraud. All three things challenge current assumptions in every government system:
1) Everyone’s identity has already been compromised.
2) Government programs cannot possibly know all there is to know about a person’s identity. Identities are always bigger than the government.
3) To assess an identity for risk, you have to understand identity risk outside government data.
Download the LexisNexis Identity Risk Framework white paper today to learn more about how to protect government programs from this growing problem.
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