Whatever business you’re in, you are really in the data business.

Everything you do—sales, service, account management, risk prevention—hinges on how well you capture, manage and make sense of data. We’ve made it our business to help you make sure your data works for you.

Big Data Infrastructure


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Get the insights you need.

Every aspect of your business—from physical locations to services to personnel—is strategically considered in order to meet organizational goals. More and more, big data drives these decisions. It’s no longer locked away somewhere in IT: Data now plays a prominent role everywhere from the retail floor to the boardroom. But only when it's effectively managed and implemented.

LexisNexis® Risk Solutions helps organizations create and refine the big data infrastructure to quickly harness growing amounts of data, glean better insights from it, and leverage them to manage risk and opportunity.

LexisNexis® Risk Solutions delivers actionable intelligence and greater value to organizations of every shape, size and industry.

Our capabilities are unique and unmatched: We built our own supercomputing platform to process vast amounts of data to process vast amounts of data using patented linking technology. Developed advanced linking technology and identifiers to make sense of unconnected bits of information. Created and provide support for custom models and industry consortiums. Our 40-year track record of success is the reason clients turn to us to solve their biggest business challenges.

Big Data Technology

The infrastructure, innovation and development languages needed to quickly analyze and process petabyte-sized data sets.

Big Data Integration and Processing

Data comes from everywhere; make it “fit for purpose" with quality controls, consistent language and more

Statistical Entity Linking

Run through disparate data sets to identify connections between consumers, businesses and other big data attributes

Big Data Analytics

Yield actionable intelligence from multiple attributes and elements across time, geography, channels and disciplines

Contact Us to Learn How We Can Help You

We believe in the power of data and analytics
to manage risk & uncover opportunity.