The value of data is measured in actionable intelligence.

Transform big data into smart data to yield risk-mitigated growth and greater clarity.

Big Data Analytics


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Big data, done effectively, brings to life opportunity.

Financial inclusion. New revenue streams. Reduced financial crime. Greater compliance clarity. Big data analytics drive these possibilities by making it easier to identify and balance risk and benefit from meaningful, actionable intelligence.

LexisNexis® Risk Solutions has expertise in helping organizations across industries implement big data analytics to solve complex challenges such as:

  • Small Business Financial Exchange (SBFE)
  • Fraud Defense Network (FDN)
  • Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange (CLUE®)
  • Mortgage Industry Data Exchange (MIDEX®)

We deliver insights that go beyond a customer’s own data so they can realize greater value from new revenue streams and operational improvements. 

LexisNexis® builds custom risk models, predictive analytics and model-ready attributes for more precise decisioning.

Underpinning everything we do is our big data technology, vast data resources, statistical linking, and analytics and consulting expertise. Interested in joining or creating a consortium? Or, do you have mountains of data from which you’re struggling to derive meaning from?

Contact Us to Learn How We Can Help You

We believe in the power of data and analytics
to manage risk & uncover opportunity.